Steven Cortazzo: A Life Journey in Words and Melodies

Steven Cortazzo invites you to embark on a life journey with him, captured in his heartfelt memoir, “Brass Buttons,” available on Amazon. His narrative aims to evoke a rollercoaster of emotions—from tears to laughter—and inspire you to face life’s hurdles with unwavering resolve.
“Self-taught lessons are the most enduring.” – SC
Life is fleeting; invest your heart and emotions solely in love. Overflowing love is never excessive. Steven’s faith in God is the cornerstone of his life, a daily source of gratitude and guidance. When pondering how to give back to his Savior, the answer is always simple: “Just Love.”
“Non esiste troppo amore.”
(There is no such thing as too much love)
As if having three heart attacks, bypasses, pacemakers, nervous breakdowns, 28-day stay in a nuthouse, three marriages (and three divorces), drug deals gone bad, being a CEO, helping people get out of the mud to the top of the mountain, making millions, losing millions, having count-less girlfriends, eight houses, 20 jobs, raising four kids, was not enough.
– I now have Lewy body dementia the same disease as Robin Williams? I mean, COME ON!
About Me

Born and raised in the Bronx, New York, Steven’s early years were spent near the iconic Arthur Avenue, just a stone’s throw away from the Bronx Zoo and Yankee Stadium. His memoir, raw yet enlightening, offers a vivid tapestry of life experiences, punctuated by health crises that led him to share his story for posterity and provide life lessons for others.
Steven is a proud grandfather to three and father to four accomplished adults. He now calls Punta Gorda, Florida, home—a dream come true. An active member of the local writers’ guild, he continues to pen prose, poetry, and songs. His love for music also finds an outlet in performances at local venues.
“Never, ever give up.” – Winston Churchill
Steven’s journey is a testament to resilience, faith, and the transformative power of love. He welcomes you to read his book, share in his triumphs and trials, and perhaps find a new perspective on life.
All The Best,
Come sing with me – Let’s rock and roll
Contact me for more information.
Steven Cortazzo | 201 421 9028 |